Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Crawlling out of a bottle.

I see that the New York Press' Matt Taibbi is attempting to discredit Tim Aaron's boyf (that would be Christopher Hitchens) by throwing ye olde charge"He's a drunk! He's a drunk!" at him. Then the article drifts off into a general media critique blah blah blah.

This is, of course, in defense of He Whose Name We Shall Not Mention, a man he describes as "an ass, and impossible to like as a public figure, and a little loose with the facts, and greedy, and a shameless panderer. But he wouldn't be necessary if even one percent of the rest of us [journalists] had any balls at all."

Amen to that.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Ben said...

But that's the thing. It's not an explicit response to Hitchens piece. It's bait and switch. It hooks you with some Hitchens sniping and then turns into a general "the media sucks" piece. Youl'l notice that, aside from calling Hitch a drunk (which is so passe... Gore Vidal was doing that shit in, like, '02), mocking his "snobby" vocabulary and bitching that the piece was written in the first place, he doesn't take the actual content on.


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