Oh is that what you meant?
Oh, ok, you don't want to hear any more Moore shit. Yes, I understand that, of course. But here's the thing: that f-ing film of his is intersecting... well, everything right now. No matter where I turn, that shit is impacting. I turn on CNN. Check. I got to Moviecitynews.com. Check. Slate? Check. Pick up Sight & Sound. Check. Listen to Howard Stern. Check. The New Yorker? Check. Add all that to my baggage with the man... and, well, that's all going to be reflected in my blog. I mean, can you imagine if we had blogs back in Feb when Hatred of Jews... er, Passion of the Christ was in theaters?
I understand it's tedious. Let me just work through this shit and it'll all be over. Soon. I promise.
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