Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The 'box.

I would just like to say that I am touched by the way the 'sphere has embraced the term "jewbox." I know that I didn't coin the term, but I still feel like a proud parent.

And in related news, Badonicus has Canada's number:
Traveling to Canada?
Keep in mind that Canada is a "free" country. So it's perfectly alright if you're going there to accuse their Prime Minister, and the Queen of England, and Al Gore, and President Bush, and former President Bush, and Dick Cheney and hundreds of other famous people of being shape shifting lizards from outer space who feed on human flesh, and engage in pedophilia and child sacrifice. If that's the purpose of your trip, hey, no worries. Just don't say anything even slightly critical of Jews. They'll seize your books, burn them, and deport you. They don't need any hatefilled wackos.


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