Saturday, July 31, 2004

0 -2.

As Tim is the resident Manchurian Candidate (1962) guru, I am sure that he will give his lengthy expert opinion on Jonathan Demme's Manchurian Candidate (2004). My two cents: boring as all hell. I will always love Demme for his camera work (those subtle little dolly moves, zooms, etc.) and his attention to sound, but this was dull, lifeless, and utterly pointless.

The only saving grace: Robyn Hitchcock. He has a minor (but important) role in the film and it's really odd to see this eccentric, shaggy British folk-rocker, all cleaned up and acting opposite Denzel.

I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Hitchcock at Largo. He was really wasted and kept ordering Grasshoppers, which were these vile green drinks that were (I think) made primarily with milk and mint liquer. Or something. So Robyn Hitchcock and Jon Brion are on stage, getting tanked off of Grasshoppers and singing Beatles covers and making up fucked up psychedelic songs about pigs and flaming eyes and whatever else. And now I'm supposed to take him seriously as some crazy mind-control expert. Or something.

My advice: skip this bullshit, head over to Tower Records, pick up the new special edition DVD of the original Manchurian Candidate (it's on sale for, like, $9.99!) and watch the future Ms. J.B. Fletcher rock the fuck out.

Side note:
How to make a Grasshopper (courtesy of the Webtender).


* 3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe
* 3/4 oz white Creme de cacao
* 3/4 oz Light cream

Mixing instructions:

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.


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