Friday, September 17, 2004


The J wants to know five of your cinematic crushes. I don't want to overlap with what Morgan and Tim have already written (Hello, Nat Nat. Hello, Ms. Jade. Hello Katie in your red cowboy boots.) so here are five (not necessarily the top five) recent movie crushes.

1. Ingrid Bergman as Alicia Huberman in Notorious.
If she'd make out with me like she did with Cary Grant, not only would I let her burn the chicken, she could burn the whole house down.

2. Barbara Steele as Gloria Morin in 8 1/2.
When I saw Barbara for the first time--all raw and dirty and boho'd out--I think I said something like "I'd like to have dirty-shoot-up-heroin-beforehand-sex with her." I stand by that statement.

3. Heather Graham as Rollergirl in Boogie Nights.
Career in porn? Coke addiction? Whatevs, it's Rollergirl.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow as Tracy Mills in Seven.
Oh Gwynnie, you were so young and fragile and tender. This was before all the tabloid bullshit and the Oscar and the string of shitty movies and Coldplay and Apple. You were so perfect in 1995. I would make a cheap joke about putting a/my head in a/your box, but your post-Grace Kelly-blonde-WASPy-ice-princess perfection prevents me from doing so.

5. Katie Holmes as Libbets Casey in The Ice Storm.*
Trudging through the freezing cold, Katie in a tight sweater, her parents out of town, an empty townhouse with lots of alcohol and/or drugs... Endless possibilities.

*=Not an overlap as Katie is playing a different part.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger Jessica L. Jordan said...

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At 12:29 PM, Blogger Jessica L. Jordan said...

Rollergirl = CLASSIC! Katie Holmes in THE ICE STORM gets an A++ from this gal.


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