Monday, October 25, 2004


Because my name and my company's address get arbitrarily published in large volumes that many people hoping to "break into the industry" read, I get a whole bunch of shitty, desperate mail. I despise this mail and rarely give it much time.
Friday was not one of those days. Friday, I received the single greatest piece of mail ever.
Sorting through the day's mail, I cam across a hand-written envelope with a stamped return address from THE NUTTER FAMILY. My heart quickened... could it be the Nutters? I tore open that envelope and sure enough-- I was confronted with a color copy of a Nutter Family portrait, a Nutter Family business card ("friendly people you'd like to know since 1961"), and a pitch to turn their life story into a sitcom.
It made my day.
That's all.
I have no clue if anyone else will be impressed with this story but goddammit I was.


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