Sunday, October 31, 2004

I know this sounds odd...

Dammit, Josh beat me in posting a a review of Birth (and we feel almost exactly the same about it).
A few more thoughts: it's odd how much I love this movie considering it's a failure and I know it. For the frst half, I was deliriously in love with its craft and M.O.-- all static electricity and freeze-dried chills. And the funny thing is: as it crumbled under its own weight in the second half, tacking on a soggy and unsatisfying coda, I wasn't bothered at all; I was still humming from that first half. Isn't that strange? That as Director Jonathan Glazer--with his impeccably framed Diet Kubrickisms--ratchets the tension higher and higher and forces Nicole Kidman to keep intensifying her internal operatics, it ultimately just peters out... and it didn't bother me. I thought the audience reaction at the end of the screening was fitting. As the end credits came up, a couple people applauded while a yenta in another row shrieked "That's it?"


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