Saturday, March 26, 2005

Little brother is all growed up.

It looks like Eric Chase Anderson has a career (aside from illustrating his brother's DVD packaging). He's written a novel-- with maps:

This is a little odd (From Amazon's "About the Author" section): "Eric Chase Anderson began making maps as Christmas presents for his family. Initial subjects included a house, a minivan, and his brother."
You mean like "This is a map of my brother Wes. Here's his brain. It's packed full of Peanuts love and songs from Between the Buttons and ways to capture lightning bugs. This is his heart. It never quite got over our Dad divorcing Mom. Here's his twee little medulla oblongata..."? That's so... precocious. And Andersonian. Guess it's in the DNA.


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, so true about the Andersons. I love those guys. Great book by the way.


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