Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So here's the deal: last week, some swift thief-type(s) broke into the place that I call Work, and made off with all of our four-year-old computers. Way to go dude(s), hope that gets you a couple of twenties over at the pawn shop. Even though we had things backed up (the wicked smart thief-type(s) missed the server... oops...), it's a bitch and a half to get everything up and running and back to the way it once was.

This is a long way of saying, "Hello" and "This is why things are still quiet." In the meantime, enjoy one of the most irritating, pathetic, and--ah hell, I'll just say it--racist pieces of pop commentary I've seen in quite some time. (Memo to Mr. Morford: not all of those blinged out colored fellas say "Yeah Boyeeeee.")


At 12:15 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

The best was when he called them gorillas.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Ben said...

I know. Brilliant move, guy. I also like that he's pining for the good ol' days of '80s Aerosmith. I'm betting he is the only man in the world wishing "Love In an Elevator" and "Dude Looks Like a Lady" were still dominating MTV.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger girish said...

There were several moments where he exposed himself for the moron that he is but my favorite was when he equated rock n' roll (and only rock n' roll) with "honest musicianship".

Oh, and check out this hilarious link at Alex's blog to Rick Moody exposing himself for the idiot that he can be. (Some of the comments are funny, and there's a good one from Alex too).

At 1:15 PM, Blogger phil said...

mmm. i wouldn't say that because he thinks diddy sucks (which he does) and "fitty cent" is annoying (which he is) that it means he's a racist. i also wouldn't say he's a racist for pointing out why either...

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Ben said...

I agree with you-- it's not racist to point out either of those things. I do think it's racist to reduce hip-hop to "low slouchy gorilla tones" and "yo boyeeee" and "bloviated personas" and to then yearn for the "honest musicianship" of, ahem, Aerosmith and Velvet Revolver.
You can hate Kanye West all you want, but don't tell me he raps in "low slouchy gorilla tones" (because he certainly doesn't) and don't tell me the antidote is coked-up Steven Tyler. It comes across as, er, racist.

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Joshua said...

The Rick Moody thing was awesome. I love it when the worst writer of his generation wonders whether or not rock (which has existed for, what, little more than a half-century?) is in "historical disarray." Obviously he isn't listening to Avril Lavigne.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger phil said...

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At 10:37 AM, Blogger phil said...

ben, i think what i'm getting at is the contrast he is making sets off alarms because it is a) typically black music (and artists) vs. typically white music (and artists)and b) he doesn't reaalize that the typically white music he is trumpeting more or less sucks, adding insult to the appearance of injury. but i see your point: if he were capable of doing more than just floundering through a series of hyperboles, perhaps he could have tried to make a convincing argument with, you know, evidence, and stuff.


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