Just the facts.
- I'm back.
- Munich is now my favorite film of 2005. I'd also argue that it's Spielberg's best film since E.T. (Depending on your view of Spielberg that might mean a lot or nothing at all.) More on this topic when I have a second to gather my thoughts and write something cognizant.
- It's the end of the year and I still have not seen a film by Ozu, Fassbinder, or Tarkovsky. I have seen Fantastic Four. Sigh.
- Did I mention I loved nearly every shitty, grade-Z second of Fantastic Four? I mean, c'mon, how can you deny Jessica Alba making her grand entrance and being introduced as "This is Sue Storm, head of Genetic Research and Development"? So maybe loved is too strong a word... Strongly liked? I strongly liked nearly every shitty second of the movie? (Do you think less of me now that I've admitted this?)
- I wish I could write with this clarity.
- More later.